Why I Blog (aka, About This Site)
“Everyday Parables” is a pretty specific scope, so you may wonder how I narrowed in on it. Here’s my lengthy top-10 list with the details.
1. Whenever I read blogs, usually at night, I like to finish off with a blog post that gives me “dessert”—a little thought to savor and reflect on throughout the remainder of the evening and in the coming days. So I thought I would try to do the same—rather than just share my stories, I’ll give a little commentary of how my experiences teach me in small ways each day.
2. I believe that Christ continues today to teach in parables as He did during His mortal ministry. Rather than teaching us through mites, fish, and sheep, which were prevalent in everyday life in Jerusalem, He teaches us through traffic lights, airplanes, and cookies, which we’re more familiar with. Keeping a record of these “everyday parables” helps me continue to recognize these modern teachings and be more conscious of finding them on a daily basis.
3. Everything on earth shows that we need one another. We’re each given different experiences that can strengthen us and others throughout our lives. I hope this blog can make your day even brighter, and when you leave comments that share your insights, you can brighten mine as well. It’s a win-win.
4. Just as I hope we, as friends, can grow with one another, I want my life experiences to benefit my future family. So this record is for them as well.
5. I’ve learned over the years that if I don’t record the experiences I’m given, I forget them much quicker than I thought I would. My records on this blog are to help me remember the lessons I’m blessed with.
6. I’m a writer. It’s in my blood. I suppose I can’t get enough of it even at work, so I’m feeding the craving through my blog as well.
7. The quote below, along with many others, inspires me to keep this record. Sure, I could keep the record in a personal journal (and many stories I do reserve just for it), but there’s extra motivation to keep this record regularly when there’s a chance you may head to my blog to see what I’ve been up to.
“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. . . . Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience.” (I’m still tracking down the source for this quote; please forgive the delay.)
Beautiful, isn’t it?
8. I’m not the greatest at keeping in touch with people I don’t see constantly, and that always makes me sad because there are so many incredible people who mean so much to me. I hope this blog helps us stay better connected!
9. Since most blogs are created to help us stay connected with friends and family, it seems natural to assume they’ll share details about the lives of the people writing them. So while I’m sure it would be easier to just say, “I did [this], [that], and [the other] today,” these stories will help you truly get a feel for my life, because they share what I’m thinking about each day, not just what I’m doing.
10. If you’re like me, you like having blog posts to look forward to on a regular basis. I have some friends who post almost daily, and I follow another blog that posts every Tuesday. I can count on it, and that “structure” feels good for the creative soul. To meet that need of consistency, you’ll find regular features like “Web site of the week,” “10-minute tales,” “creative play,” and “wit and wisdom.”
P.S. The views expressed on my blog do not necessarily represent the views of my employer.
Note: The flowers in the header were created by Rhonna Farrer (August 2008 Free Pea Kit: Magic Rainbows). The clouds were altered from a tag by Kate Teague (Berry Days Freebie).